All those that ask for the baptism of their child or children can get this service if they are ready for the minimum formation of the household. The expecting mother to be is to inform the church office and register the name with a telephone number when she is in fifth month with the baby. The instruction then starts as the parents have to take pre-natal care. The foetus also consumes the house environment or the places mother goes and has encounter. A couple from the Family cell takes an appointment with the family and goes to instruct them with four sessions and fills the form. Spiritual care of the child before the birth, sacrament of Baptism according to scripture, liturgy of the Baptism, What is the canon law about the baptism and how to grow in faith after baptism. These are the topics dealt with. God-parents must be Catholics, confirmed in faith, and locally residing.
Child Baptism
Every Sunday
- When a woman is pregnant inform baptism catechist or church office. Normally three to four sessions given. One session has to be God-parents or sponsors. Both parents have to be present for sessions. All the houseold, especially grand parents, uncle or aunty may join atleast one session.
- A form to be filled in English by the catechist and duly signed and sent along with an envelope to the parish office one week prior to baptism sacrament.
- Saturday evening at 6.00 p.m. or on Sunday at 10.30 a.m.
Catechetical sessions
- What is Baptism – Old Testament covenant and circumsation – to be moulded, shaped and be coloured in Christ – to live a life of Christ.
- Ritual and canonical law about Baptism.
- Understanding the activities of faith and deepening into them.
- Biblical examples of faith and lives of saints today.
Adult Baptism
Names to be registered in June
- One full year preparation.
- RCIA = Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
- Classes every weekend.